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Reishi mushroom has grown in popularity across the globe, becoming a commonly used ‘superfood’ in many different forms – tinctures, teas, capsules, hot cacao, even beauty products, and energy bars. Having gained two impressive nicknames like the ‘mushroom of immortality’ and the ‘king of the mushrooms’, reishi won’t make you live forever, but it can certainly come with various health benefits that we will explore together in this article.


What is Reishi Mushroom?

what is reishi mushroom


Fan-shaped and orange to reddish brown in color, reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) are a rare find in nature. This fungus is native to Europe, Asia, and North America and prefers tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates with hardwoods such as oak and maple trees.


What is Reishi Mushroom Used for?

Immune System

Reishi mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to support healthy immune system for hundreds of years. Modern findings could use more research to confirm this. Some studies have shown that reishi mushroom indeed can help the production of white blood cells that are vital for healthy immune system function.


Stress Reduction

If you struggle coping with demanding life and responsibilities, reishi mushroom can help you deal with stress. They are a part of adaptogens, plants that help the body combat stress. Reishi cannot take the stressors away, but it can help you deal with the challenges better, and possibly take off ‘the edge’.


Improve Sleep

Reishi might help with sleep issues such as trouble falling asleep (insomnia), staying asleep, or waking up too early, as well as improve the quality of sleep. Many people report improvement in their sleep cycles after using reishi supplement.


Lessen Fatigue

In a study with 132 people the researchers found that fatigue was reduced, and well-being was improved after 8 weeks of taking reishi supplements. Another study found that fatigue was reduced, and quality of life was improved after 4 weeks of taking reishi powder in a group of 48 breast cancer survivors. Not only that, but the people in both studies also experienced less depression and anxiety.


Is Reishi Edible?

what is reishi


While completely edible, reishi mushrooms are too woody and hard to eat on their own. They also have a rather bitter taste to them. The best way to consume them is as a tea or in supplement form such as tincturepowder, or capsules.


Is Reishi Mushroom Psychedelic?

No, reishi mushroom is not a psychedelic mushroom as it contains no psilocybin or any psychoactive ingredients.


Is Taking Reishi Mushroom Safe?

Taking reishi mushroom may come with risks if you have low blood pressure, are taking diabetes medications, or have immune system disorders or are taking immunosuppressants, as reishi mushroom supplements may counteract their effectiveness.

Some people reported nausea after continuous use while short-term use seems to be generally well-handled. As with many supplements, herbs, and medications, there can be herb-drug interactions to be aware of.

If you have concerns about taking reishi mushroom as a supplement, are taking medications, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, always consult your healthcare provider to see if reishi is safe for you.


Reishi and Allergies

There is some evidence that reishi mushrooms can act as a natural alternative to antihistamines. We have covered it all in this article: do reishi mushrooms really work for allergies? Let’s find out!


Where to Buy Reishi Supplements?

If you'd like to try out reishi yourself, we have listed a couple of products below you can choose from!

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