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A vine native to the Amazon Basin, Diplopterys cabrerana is known in the Quechua languages as both ‘Chagropanga’ and ‘Chaliponga’. It has also been called Banisteriopsis rusbyana and Banisteriopsis cabrerana, and, like Banisteriopsis caapi, it is a member of the Malpighiaceae family. This tropical vine is found only in the Amazon basin (Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia). It grows wild in the forests but is most often found in cultivation.

This very long vine has opposite leaves that are oblong-oval and retuse-attenuate in shape. The inflorescences, each of which bears four tiny flowers, grow from the petiolar axils. However, the plant only rarely develops flowers, and almost never under cultivation.

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Diplopterys Cabrerana - Chaliponga

Price €46.32

Our Chaliponga (Diplopterys Cabrerana) is ethically sourced directly from South America.


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