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Will 4/20 Ever Die? Good Ways to Celebrate “Weed Day!”

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420 weed day


The 20th of April is upon us, which marks the 4/20 celebration of cannabis, otherwise known as marijuana, weed, pot, hash, ganja, and goes by almost countless other names given to it all around the world. Whether you use cannabis or not, it is here to stay for both medicinal and also recreational use, so let’s get to know a little more about this intriguing plant, and how this day of 4/20 celebration came about in the first place!


A Bit of The History

Cannabis plant has been around for thousands of years with its first domestication traced back to 12 000 years ago in Central China near the Altai Mountains when it provided fibers for ropes, nets, food, and seeds for oil. It’s unknown when exactly cannabis was used for its psychoactive properties. First burned cannabis seeds have been found in the graves of shamans in China and Siberia from as early as 500 BC, however, it could have been used for its psychoactive properties much earlier than that. Since then, medical marijuana properties have been explored and practiced in the Western world throughout 19th, 20th, and 21st century. Whether supported or not, its recreational use has become extremely popular during modern times, and cannabis has earned recognition all over the world.


Great, But How Did 4/20 Begin?

420 weed day


The reasons behind the date are still debated to this day. Many theories have risen but gone unproven. The most credible story traces 4/20 to Marin County, California. In 1971, five students at San Rafael High School would meet at 4:20 p.m. by the school’s statue of Louis Pasteur to smoke some weed once their school lessons had ended. They became known as the “Waldos” and would say “420” to each other as code for marijuana. Since these students were also a part of a band, their activity became rather popular and quickly spread throughout the state, country, and eventually, world. The time 16:20 in the afternoon is now very much associated with the perfect time to roll and smoke a joint!


Ways to Celebrate 4/20

  1. Spread Some Awareness
    If medical or recreational use of cannabis is close to your heart, speak to some of your friends, family, or community about your experience with it. Since the topic of cannabis is still very controversial for a lot of people in the world, for wider acceptance, it can help to start having open and honest conversations about cannabis whenever appropriate. Share how cannabis has benefited you in some way, shape, or form!      
  2. Participate in Cannabis Decriminalization
    If cannabis legalization or decriminalization is something you would like to see changing in the world, see what you can do in a community where it is still prohibited. While alcohol use kills around 3 million people worldwide each year, deaths purely because of cannabis are linked to an absolute 0. Many people prefer to use cannabis for relaxation, and yet are afraid to be exposed and get arrested. Compared to the use of alcohol, this does not make much sense, therefore, individuals and communities need to come together to bring about much needed change. See what you can do personally depending on which country or state you live in!      
  3. Grow a Little Cannabis Plant!
    If possible where you live, allow yourself the pleasure of growing your very own cannabis plant! There is almost nothing more satisfying than digging your hands in the dirt, planting some seeds, and seeing something wonderful grow out of it! If this excites you even a little, we offer an astonishing selection of Cannabis Seeds with a great variety to satisfy even the most experienced users. Have a look, and you will find something you’ll enjoy; that’s a promise!

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