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Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions this Year!

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lion's mane extract


The change of years can bring a surge of newfound motivation and inspiration to set goals and objectives for your life in the next coming year. But how many people actually stick with their New Year’s resolutions? Don’t be the one to give up! At Next Level, we share our tips and insights on how to achieve your New Year’s resolutions once and for all + we tell about a product that may greatly help with this process!


Why do certain New Year’s resolutions fail?

Based on a study done by researchers at Scranton University, only 19 percent of individuals keep their resolutions while most others abandon theirs around mid-January. Why is that? Here’s our findings:


  • People make lasting change only when they are ready for it.

Many New Year’s resolutions come from a place of “this would be nice to achieve or have” which sometimes is not enough to actually go through the pain of making changes, sacrificing the time that could be spent doing other nice things and committing to doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal. We have found that the goal or resolution often must come from a place of “not having this is more painful than having this”. So when committing to a new goal, ask yourself: do I feel ready to make this change in my life and am I willing to truly commit to it?


  • The goals are not specific enough.

how to achieve new year's resolutions

Many New Year’s resolutions are often very vague like “this year I will lose more weight” or “I will read more books” and “I’ll work out more”. When setting goals, it’s important to phrase it in a way that can be measured, for example, “This year I will read 30 new books”. This way your goal is easy to measure, track, and you can easily follow up on the progress you’ve made!


  • The goals need to be broken down into small, manageable pieces.

If we take the New Year’s resolution of reading 30 new books this year, the goal needs be broken down into smaller pieces, for example, “I will read 2.5 books each month and I will achieve this by reading 10 minutes each morning.” This way you have real, tangible numbers to follow, as well as dedicated time when you will follow through.


  • If you fall back on your goal, get back at it!

Just because you lost motivation or something got in the way of you achieving your New Year’s resolution, that doesn’t mean you need to give up on it! The thing is, direction matters more than timeline, and you never achieve something that you give up on. It’s okay to have delays, setbacks and even failures as a human being, don’t be too hard on yourself and get back on track!


A supplement that could help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions

Lion’s Mane

lion's mane extract

Lion’s Mane is a wonderful medicinal mushroom that greatly helps with focus, concentration, and reducing brain fog. Lion's Mane has neurotrophic properties. This means that it stimulates the growth and differentiation of neurones which play an important role in learning processes and the development of the brain. This can help with goals of studying, learning, or advancing anything in your life that requires brain power! Or if you are unsure about how to make your goals happen, Lion’s Mane can help you think through this to find new and creative solutions!



Not only that, Lion’s Mane is a great agent that reduces inflammation and boosts your immune system, helping you fight off bacteria, viruses, and disease-causing pathogens. So if any of your New Year’s goals are health oriented, this impressive mushroom can help you achieve them!



At Next Level, we offer Lion’s Mane capsules as well as Lion’s Mane extract - both are easy to take as a daily supplement. Buy your Lion's Mane here!

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