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Next Level Wholesale: NLNaturals

Next Level also supplies as a wholesaler to existing Smartshops, web shops and other stores. Our wholesale is located in Zwolle. We supply stores with products from our own line: NLNaturals.

A small selection from the NLNaturals Line:

- Paddo Growkits
- Magic Truffles
- Kratom
- Kanna
- Yopo seeds
- Cebil seeds
- Salvia divinorum
- Peyote
- San Pedro
- G-Force
- Raw cocoa in powder and solid form (from Peru or Bali)
- Rapé
- Chakapas

Smudging Herbs
- Palo Santo (sticks, fine or raw)
- White Sage (different sizes)
- Dragon Blood Sage
- Blue Sage
- Copal

- CBD Olie
- Mulungu Extract

Ayahuasca elements
- Chacruna
- Bobinsana
- Mimosa
- Chaliponga
- Caapi Extract

If interested, you can mail to: info @